Did you know it costs around $4000 to paint a full house? For many people, this cost is cut by doing the job themselves.

But just how do you get that professional look when going the DIY route?

Luckily, with a few tips, it is easier than you think. Read on as we discuss the best techniques for DIY wall painting.

1. Sand Your Walls

To get even and professional-looking DIY wall painting, then you need to prepare accordingly. Most of that is by getting walls as smooth and even as you possibly can. Once you have filled in cracks and holes, it is time to even things out with sandpaper. 

Sanding removes rough spots and burrs that will really pop once you apply paint. It will flatten ridges around nail holes and level out the compound. In addition, a smoother surface allows the paint to stick to the surface easier. 

Purchase a sanding pole and some medium-grade sandpaper. Work up and down the wall from floor to ceiling. Once done, change to horizontal sanding and rub the dust off with a dry cloth when finished.

2. Mask and Let Dry

One of the tried and tested wall painting tips is to use masking tape to shield areas you don’t want paint on. For example, you can mask off baseboards and frames so your brush does not splash onto other areas. This can help you get fine lines with your painting. 

One mistake many people make is to peel the masking tape off once they have finished painting. However, you should let it dry for a number of reasons. 

The first is that your paint may still be dripping, and could roll onto your masked surfaces. In addition, if the paint is on the sticky masking tape, it is very easy for this to rub over onto other areas, spreading paint from the tape to the clean surfaces.

3. Don’t Go Cheap

Many cheaper household goods and materials are often just as good as the more expensive, branded ones. However, when it comes to painting materials buying cheap is a false economy. You will get the finish you pay for. 

When you buy paint, cheaper products tend to be thinner. This means they need more coats. This extra work can cost you not just money, but in the time it takes to get the job done.

Generally, it will also be less durable. You may find it flakes off the wall, has streaks when applied, or a general uneven finish. 

The same goes for your tools, such as brushes and rollers. Cheaper brushes hold less paint, and bristles will come away and set on the surface you are painting. For a range of great materials to use when painting see more by clicking here.

4. Start With Trims

If you are painting both the walls, trims, and fittings, then you need to follow a certain order. This is because it is easier to mask the trims than it is the wall. Start by painting all of your baseboards, door, and window frames. 

You don’t need to be that neat, as any paint going onto the wall will be painted over later. Keep it even, making sure you sand and fill it before the application of paint. You should then let it dry for at least 24 hours. 

After this, you can tape it off. Start in the walls, then the ceiling, and let them try before removing the masking tape.

5. Cover the Furniture

You may be tempted to simply move the furniture out of the wall when painting. However, this will simply not work. It is almost certain you will get paint splashes and droplets on your furniture. 

Even the most careful painter gets splodges around the place. Paint particles can also travel through the air, creating thin coats of paint on surfaces. Therefore, it is imperative you cover your floor and furniture. 

Canvas drop cloths are the best choice for your floor. Don’t use old bedsheets, as paint simply absorbs into them, spreading and staining your floor even more.

Plastic sheeting to cover furniture is also relatively cheap. Move everything to the center of the room and cover it with this.

6. Add Primer

Adding primer does add to the labor, but it is vital to get the best from your paint. It will ensure consistency in your painting, giving an even sheen across all the surfaces. 

When you have a wall, it absorbs some of the paint. Some areas are more porous than others, meaning they suck in more of the paint itself. This can result in patchy areas and blotches. 

With primer, the wall has already absorbed paint. This means your topcoat will sit on top of the primer and not absorb, giving a more even surface.

7. Use a Loaded Brush

When filling the brush with paint, avoid the temptation to fill it full of paint and begin. Instead, only add paint to the bottom one and half inches of the brush. Knock the brush on the tin or bucket so the heavy globules fall off. 

This gives you enough paint to start, but not so much it will drip and blotch. The alternate technique of running the bristles along the bucket to remove excess actually removes too much, leaving a dry brush.

Prepare for Wall Painting

In summary, wall painting is mostly about preparation. Time spent setting up and preparing the walls will be well spent. Combine it with good tools and paint, and see how professional your finish will be. 

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Pracka patrí mezi dražší a zároven nejvyužívanejší spotrebice v domácnosti. Pro její výber je duležitý dukladný pruzkum trhu a svedomité rozhodování. A urcite se chce každý vyhnout její predcasné výmene.

Podle pruzkumu realizovaného spolecností SIKO KOUPELNY & KUCHYNE více než 90 procent dotázaných Slováku perí alespon jednou týdne. Oblíbená jsou velká ekonomická balení pracích prášku, která nakupují tri ctvrtiny respondentu a také tekuté prací prostredky. Ty kupuje více než polovina dotázaných. Nejlevneji si koupí 35 procent Slováku. Vyplatí se to, protože cím je voda tvrdší, tím více pracího prášku spotrebujeme. V praní jsme však spíše ekologové než držgroši. Témer polovina nakupuje zejména ekologické prací prášky a více než 80 procent respondentu na praní používají pouze kvalitní znacky. Jak být však ekologický, šetrný ke spotrebicum a zároven neobetovat celou výplatu? Co je tím hlavním problémem, kterému celíme?

Vodní kámen – hrozba pro spotrebice

Vzhledem k tomu, že prackou pri jednom pracím cyklu protece až 50 litru vody, je duležité o ni pravidelne pecovat, aby se prodloužila její životnost. At už patríte mezi ty, kterí to pro nedostatek casu nezvládají nebo ty, kterí si cas i na úkor jiných aktivit vždy najdou, mužete si práci zásadne zjednodušit. Zároven není potreba používat zmekcovace vody, tak jak to ciní více než polovina respondentu, aby buben pracky ochránila od vodního kamene.

Jeho vznik je totiž spojen s problémem tvrdé vody, kterou mají ve své domácnosti tri ctvrtiny respondentu. 48 procent dokonce odpovedelo, že vodní kámen je v jejich domácnosti velký problém. Nekterí lidé tento problém však vubec nereší, není se tedy cemu divit, že se pracka kvuli vodnímu kameni pokazila témer každému osmému respondentovi. Vodní kámen obvykle vzniká na místech, kterými casto protéká voda. Objevuje se v kuchyni i koupelne, je neestetický a nicí domácí spotrebice tím, že snižuje jejich životnost a zvyšuje náklady na provoz i údržbu.

Stací vhodit do pracky

Rešením tohoto problému je inovativní produkt WashBall, který je vhodný jak pro ekologické, tak ekonomické praní prádla. Chrání pracku, mycku ci rezervoár toalet pred vodním kamenem, úcinne rozpouští prací prášek a odstranuje necistoty a pachy. Funguje na základe patentované fyzikální technologie galvanické úpravy vody. Výsledkem je její zmekcení, odstranení vodního kamene a zabranování jeho dalšího vzniku. Zmekcením vody se zvyšuje úcinnost praní, a snižuje se tak spotreba pracího prášku. WashBall se tak stává úcinným pomocníkem pro domácnosti bojující s tvrdou vodou.

Je vyroben ze speciálního plastu s vlastnostmi gumy, která je ekologická a nevypouští do okolí žádné chemikálie, takže je šetrný k prádlu ik samotnému spotrebici. Tvar je navržen tak, aby co nejlépe klouzal a byl odolný vuci nárazum a oteru. WashBall nevyžaduje žádnou údržbu ci dodatecný zdroj energie a jeho životnost je až 10 tisíc cyklu.



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